Bouba 1

Bouba stole our heart after she appeared on the children show in January 2012 in her every day clothes. The children on these days wear their Sunday clothes and play, dance, receive their gifts, eat together and get candy and refreshments… It’s one of the most important days of the Project for both, kids and adults.

Coming back home, Bouba was carrying a bottle of a drink for her grandpa. This little thing made us think a lot and to believe in the humanic quality of people that will do anything for their loving ones. It made us almost “mistify” Bouba as an example of generosity and as a person for whom it was worth doing all of this. It marked our way of thinking about having things and what we do with them as well as the people who we dedícate our time to and which answers we expect.

Bouba has taught us, like all simple people in the world, to forget about our little personal obsessions in order to take care of ourselves and not to be attached to our comfortable houses or the work.

bouba-06More info at the WendBeNeDo website.


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