Bicycles for Burkina

Burkina children will be able arrive at school earlier.

Do you know that, even though the school starts at 9 in the morning, many children need to wake up at 7 and spend 2 hours walking to the school and to come back home another 2 hours?

With bicycles they won’t need to wake up that early and will be back home before which will leave them more time to study and help their families with doing groceries, selling products on the market, buying medicaments etc.

During February 2016 first bikes started to arrive. Below you can check some photos:

Picking up the bicycles

Picking up the bicycles

Bicycles in the WendBeNeDo's multipurpose building

Bicycles in the WendBeNeDo’s multipurpose building

Another photo of the bicycles in the WendBeNeDo's multipurpose building

Another photo of the bicycles in the WendBeNeDo’s multipurpose building